Our work

Accelerating Stubhub customer service automation process

Faced with a resource-intensive chatbot system that failed to meet customer needs, StubHub International (SHI) partnered with Agent Studio. After a detailed assessment of both SHI context and the most relevant vendors, Agent Studio delivered a specific plan of action that met with SHI technical, operational and business constraints.

Initiative: Free your team from unnecessary work - Customer Service Automations

Tools: StackAI - Ada - Voiceflow - Ultimate.ai - Botpress


StubHub International is a safe, transparent marketplace for ticket sales for sports and music events worldwide.


Stubhub was looking for a 25% reduction in tickets related to fulfillment issues. They wanted to achieve this while:


We split the work in two phases:






Our work during these 6 weeks helped SHI:


In only 6 weeks, SHI was able to unblock a problem that had been dragging them for months.


“Collaborating with Agent Studio significantly boosted our AI initiative's discovery phase, focusing on essential aspects and utilizing their expertise for initial recommendations. Their thorough documentation and clear understanding of our goals led to a detailed overview of top market technologies. Their attentive follow-up ensured our needs were met, making them highly recommendable for AI technology outsourcing.”
Andreia Guedes

Andreia Guedes

Customer Solutions Supervisor - Stubhub International

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