Our work

Ecosystem Mapping and Startup Assessment

Standard Deviation needed a way to better manage their ecosystem: startups and companies focused in the regeneration economy. Most of these processes were managed manually, which meant the team spent too much time on them.

Initiative: Free your team from unnecessary work - Workflow Automations

Tools: Airtable - Typeform - Make.com - Quickchart


Standard Deviation is a consulting company and startup accelerator focused on the regenerative economy.


The goal was 2-fold:

  1. Set up a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that could help them better map and manage their customers and partners.
  2. Automate the process they use to collect data about their docs, which then generates an assessment report similar to a SWOT-like analysis.


The first phase was to analyze the existing toolset and processes:

  1. Standard Deviation had a CRM that was not adapted to their needs
  2. They were providing the SWOT-like analysis only in workshops and creating the report manually. The goal was to implement a solution that helped them manage their contacts effectively and allow them to automate some processes.


Document generation:

After implementing Airtable, we industrialized the process in order to facilitate the work for the whole team:


This work enables SD to be independent and effectively map, document and enrich the different partners of their networks. They are able to automate the 1st phase of their acceleration process and focus on the next phase. They are also able to integrate the process in their website in order to provide their Open Source tool to the world.


In a few weeks, we provided Standard Deviation with the required tools to take their accelerator to the next level.


“Agent Studio’s work was transformative for Standard Deviation. In less than 2 weeks we built a cohesive and automated operational backbone to manage our community of customers and partners. Our team loved how they were transparent, reactive, collaborative and empowering during the process. Not only did they point us to the best tools on the market, they taught us how to fish.”
Lara Pagnier

Lara Pagnier

Co-founder - Standard Deviation

👉 Having issues with your document generation? Maybe we can help!

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