Our work

Here’s a selection of case studies and experiments we’ve worked on recently.

Case Studies

AI Agents Training for Perseus Group

We delivered a one-day AI workshop for Perseus Group, a French industrial holding company. We helped leaders understand generative AI applications in …

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Training IndustrIA

We gave the final session of a 20+ hour training program around Generative AI to industrial companies in the Basque Country. Participants rated the …

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Ecosystem Mapping and Startup Assessment

Standard Deviation needed a way to better manage their ecosystem: startups and companies focused in the regeneration economy. Most of these processes …

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Accelerating Stubhub customer service automation process

Faced with a resource-intensive chatbot system that failed to meet customer needs, StubHub International (SHI) partnered with Agent Studio. After a …

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Helping iCommers validate a shopping concierge

After iCommers tried a first approach resulting in low adoption and engagement, Agent Studio helped iCommers revamp their mobile app with an automated …

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Building A Copilot For Travel Agents

ACAI’s vision is to expand travel agents capabilities by building AI enabled copilots. By partnering with Agent Studio, ACAI got a functional …

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Giving Fresque de la RSE a high level view of all their events

Fresque de la RSE was storing all of their event data in a difficult to use event management system. Using no-code tools, Agent Studio built a simple …

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Intermediate Agent

We built an Intermediate Agent prototype for a fictitious Marketplace, automating request handling between clients and vendors. It bridges language …

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RFP Response Facilitator

RFPs and their long list of questions can be tricky and cumbersome to answer, having to invoke many stakeholders. Here is an experiment to tackle the …

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Typeform Skill Assessment

We wrote an article on Typeform's Engineering blog about a way to crate amazing charts from Typeform's response automatically.

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Visual Reporting Bot

Making reports while in the field can be complex for construction workers and other field agents. We built a simple experiment demostrating an AI …

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Employee’s Skills Finder

When a company starts growing, it can become be tricky to find relevant people with specific skills. We built an experiment using Voiceflow to solve …

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